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Get ready for a veritable feast of innovative thinking. Please find below, a list of 130 innovative projects that can stretch anyone's thinking. Some may be completed in 5 mins. Others might take days. The focus for these thinking projects? Innovation, creativity and outright wonder.
Thinking Provocations

Instead of being on your tongue, your taste-buds have been transferred to your fingertips. Think about the way that you would change your eating habits.

Describe the way that you would eat: toast; an apple; a pizza Supreme.

Blind people sometimes use a system called braille (a raised series of dots on paper) to read a story.

How could you develop a reading system that is based on your sense of smell?

Design a book that uses this system.

Imagine that you are an ambitious baby octopus.

Write a story entitled ‘What I’d Like To Do When I Grow Up’.

Write out a full day’s T.V. timetable for Dolphin Television.

Include the titles of each show.

You are a small ant that has accidentally climbed onto a fireworks rocket just before it is lit.

Describe how it would feel as you blast off into the night air. Consider the following:

  • the sensation of speed
  • the view far below
  • the final explosions of colour and noise.

Redesign a 15th century sailing ship so that it would not be able to sail off the edge of the ‘flat’ Earth.