Get ready for a veritable feast of innovative thinking. Please find below, a list of 130 innovative projects that can stretch anyone's thinking. Some may be completed in 5 mins. Others might take days. The focus for these thinking projects? Innovation, creativity and outright wonder.
Thinking Provocations
All of the money in the world should be distributed evenly between everyone.
Give 3 good points and 3 bad points for this proposal.
What if everyone (including school students) worked on the weekend, and then had 5 weekdays of leisure time? Give 10 different consequences.
Predict 10 present day words that will not be used in 20 years from now.
Name 10 things that you cannot buy with money.
Invent a remote-controlled knife and fork, so that you would not have to use your hands.
Place the letters A to Z down the side of a page. For each letter, try to decide upon the most important word in the English language that starts with each of the letters.